How to Write an Amazon Appeal Letter?

Amazon Appeal Letter 

An Amazon appeal letter is a formal request submitted to Amazon when a seller’s account is suspended or a product listing is removed. The letter explains the issue, acknowledges any mistakes, and outlines the steps the seller will take to resolve the problem and prevent it from happening again. Writing an effective appeal letter is crucial for reinstating your account or product listing, as it shows Amazon that you understand their policies and are committed to meeting their standards.

Why is an Amazon Appeal Letter Important?

Amazon has strict guidelines that sellers must follow to ensure a positive experience for customers. As an online seller, even a minor mistake or policy breach can result in the suspension of your account, leaving your business on hold. This is where an Amazon appeal letter becomes crucial.

An effective appeal letter is your opportunity to explain the situation, take responsibility, and outline a plan to prevent future issues. It shows Amazon that you understand their policies and are committed to upholding their standards. By presenting a well-structured and honest appeal, you increase the chances of having your account reinstated and getting back to business swiftly.

Reasons of Amazon Account Suspension

Here are some of the most common reasons your Amazon selling account could be suspended:

1. Consistent Poor Performance

This is the leading cause of account suspension on Amazon. If Amazon notices ongoing poor performance from a seller, the risk of suspension increases significantly. Factors include:

  • Fake positive feedback
  • High cancellation rates
  • Slow responses to customer inquiries
  • A high order defect rate (ODR)
  • Late shipments
  • Numerous negative reviews

All of these issues can lead to your account being suspended.

2. Selling Restricted Products

Amazon has strict rules about certain products that cannot be sold on their platform. If they discover that you’re selling prohibited items, your account is likely to be suspended.

3. Policy Violations

Amazon has specific policies that sellers must follow to maintain their accounts. If you violate any of these rules, you will receive an email notifying you of your account suspension.

4. Using Incorrect Selling Tactics

Some sellers try to take shortcuts to increase sales, such as posting fake reviews. However, Amazon employs a robust team and advanced algorithms that can easily detect suspicious activities. Engaging in these tactics can lead to immediate suspension of your account.

By understanding these common reasons, you can take steps to protect your Amazon selling account and maintain good standing on the platform.

How to Write an Amazon Appeal Letter?

Writing an effective Amazon appeal letter means being clear, honest, and organized. You need to address the issues that caused the suspension or policy violation. Here’s a simple guide to help you write a strong Amazon appeal letter:

1. Start with the Basics

  • Subject Line: Make sure to write “Amazon Seller Account Suspension Appeal” or “Amazon Policy Violation Appeal.” Include your account ID.
  • Introduction: Quickly explain the problem, like a suspension or policy violation. Include the date you received the notice from Amazon.

2. Acknowledge the Problem

  • Clearly state the reason for the suspension or violation, as Amazon mentioned.
  • Refer to the email or message you got from Amazon about the issue. This shows that you understand what went wrong.

3. Explain What Went Wrong

  • Be honest. Describe what led to the problem. Was it a mistake, misunderstanding, or a process issue?
  • Avoid blaming Amazon or customers. Keep a professional and responsible tone.

4. List the Actions You Took to Fix the Issue

  • Describe the steps you have already taken to fix the problem.
  • Give specific details, like changes to quality checks, customer service, or internal processes.

5. Present a Plan of Action (POA)

  • This is the most important part of your letter. The plan should include:
    1. Root Cause: What caused the problem based on Amazon’s feedback.
    2. Immediate Actions: What you did to fix the problem right away.
    3. Preventive Measures: What you will do to stop this from happening again, like staff training or new quality checks.
  • Be clear and use bullet points to make it easy to read.

6. Conclude Professionally

  • Thank Amazon for the chance to appeal. Show your commitment to following their standards.
  • Politely ask them to reinstate your account or product listing.

7. Review and Keep It Short

  • Check for grammar and clarity. Don’t include unnecessary details; stay focused on the issue.
  • Be respectful, organized, and to the point.

By using this simple guide, you can improve your chances of getting a positive response from Amazon.

Amazon Appeal Form

Amazon Appeal Letter Template

Where to Send Your Amazon Appeal Letter

  1. Once your appeal letter is ready, go to the Seller Central dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Performance” dropdown and select Performance Notifications.”
  3. Find your suspension notice and click the “Appeal” button.
  4. Press “Appeal Decision,” which opens a form.
  5. Fill out the form with your Plan of Action and provide your telephone number.
  6. Click “Submit Appeal” to send it to Amazon Seller Performance for review.


An Amazon account suspension can be stressful, but it’s not the end. A well-crafted, genuine appeal letter can help you get back on track. By addressing the issue honestly and outlining a clear plan of action, you show Amazon that you’re serious about following their standards.

If you find the process challenging, Techiconix LLC is here to help. Our team can guide you through each step, ensuring a stronger chance of reinstatement. With the right support, you can overcome suspension and continue growing your business on Amazon.

Book a free consultation with our experts to help resolve your issue.